5 Easy and Effective Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids (Pile)

5 Easy and Effective Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids (Pile)

Hemorrhoids can be treated a few ways depending on severity. Your doctor may ask if you have any preference for certain types of medications, treatments or surgery.

However, here are some home remedies for hemorrhoids that work just fine and you might not need to see your doctor thereafter.

Sitz bath

Sitz bath is the main stay in home remedy management of hemorrhoids. It’s simple, easy and most of the materials you need are what you already have in your kitchen.

You will need a small bowl, big enough for you to see inside with your buttocks touching the base is the bowl.

5 Easy and Effective Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids (Pile)

There are some specially designed sitz bath bowls which can be placed on a toilet sit as shown below, you can check your local store or online store is you’ll be lucky to find one. They are much more comfortable.

You should note that it’s the water that brings the result, not the steam, do you should look for a bowl that will serve that purpose.

Put about 1 Liter of warm water inside the bowl, then add a fistful of table salt into the water and stir. Then sit inside this warm water for about 10 to 20 minutes.

You should repeat this about 3 times a day. If you pass stool at anytime besides these 3 times, you should repeat the sitz bath.

If you are to sit inside warm water for 15 minutes, the water would have gone cold. What you can do is to get hot water in kettle and when the water you’re sitting in is getting too cold, stand up from the water, add a little hot water, stir and continue your sitz bath.

High fiber diet

Eating foods that are high in fiber can make stools softer and easier to pass and can help treat and prevent hemorrhoids.

Aim to get 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. Great food sources of fiber include:

  • Legumes, such as split peas, lentils, black beans, lima beans, and baked beans
  • Whole grains, such as barley, bran flakes, oatmeal, and brown rice
  • Vegetables, such as artichoke, green peas, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts
  • Fruits, such as raspberries, pears, apples, and bananas

Liberal fluid intake

Water is a universal lubricant and that makes it useful in preventing or treating hemorrhoids. Drinking enough water helps prevent constipation and therefore decreases straining which is a major cause of hemorrhoids.

Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day doesn’t just keep your digestive system running smoothly, it benefits your entire body.

Drinking water and other liquids, such as fruit juices and clear soups, can help the fiber in your diet work better.

Liquid paraffin

Liquid Paraffin is a product used to provide temporary relief of constipation.

While it may not necessarily make the stool softer, the oily nature will make the stool slide out much more easily so you don’t have to strain too much.


While hemorrhoids should not normally be painful, it can be associated with pain when there is thrombosis of the hemorrhoids or there is a co-existing anal fissure, which can sometimes be associated with the hemorrhoids.

To relieve the pain, most pain killers, especially the Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) will come in handy though some patients may need opioids.