10 Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan That Will Surprise You

In addition to the religious obligations of Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan, there are myriads of health benefits of fasting in Ramadan.

From better weight control and healthier blood cell regeneration to better heart function and vascular wellbeing, fasting has become the gold standard for staying young, fit, and healthy.

It cleanse and detoxifies the human body

If you eschew all solids and survive on liquids for a few days improves organ functions while promoting a clean digestive system – improving blood circulation and eliminating harmful toxins in the body.

10 Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan That Will Surprise You

Appetite suppressant

Have you ever felt like you cannot tell when you are full? Or eating out of boredom? Fasting can help resolve these problems.

By focusing your day on anything but food, your body will eventually get used to not feeling hungry all the time.

During the holy month of Ramadan, many Muslims who participate in compulsory fasts will experience many cravings during the fasting day, only to find that they cannot consume much when they open their fast.

The more you lie on your stomach for a period of time, the more your stomach will shrink and you will feel full after eating a small amount. As our bodies get used to how often we eat, a few days of intermittent fasting can drastically decrease our appetite in the long run.

By breaking the fast, the human body cannot comfortably consume a large amount because the stomach shrinks, making you feel full after a smaller meal than usual. This process also increases thyroid hormone production in the body and increases your metabolism in the process.


One of the most obvious effects of fasting is obesity relief. Through fasting, liver enzymes break down cholesterol and fats into bile acid, which in turn is converted into heat and ultimately stimulates a faster metabolism.

Of course, fasting also decreases your appetite, which lowers the levels of the hunger hormone in the body.

Portion sizes can be significantly smaller after a fasting period.

10 Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan That Will Surprise You

Weight Loss

The term fasting means not eating or drinking or even both at the same time. When the human body goes through the starvation process, the body turns into fat to use and burn stored energy first.

When done correctly, fasting can do wonders for weight loss, especially the loss of fatty tissue in the body, resulting in better overall physical structure.

Incorporating intermittent fasting into regular strength training promotes greater fat loss with faster results.

Immune System

Body as it puts a central focus on your immune system and metabolism instead of focusing on digestion, which further encourages muscle growth.

The immune system is largely made up of white blood cells, and fasting encourages your body to recycle old white blood cells, resulting in a healthier and more robust immune system.

Your body regenerates stem cells, which are made up of red and white blood cells along with platelets. s As soon as your body starts eating again.

10 Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan That Will Surprise You

Blood pressure

A decrease in the body’s intake of salt and a loss of salt through urine lowers the body’s blood pressure.

Exercise Tolerance

HGH, also known as human growth hormone, is organically produced by the human body and is known to build muscle mass that is effective at burning fat. Although it stays active in the bloodstream for only a few minutes, it can be of great help in increasing lean mass. Muscle strength that could be incredibly beneficial for exercise.

Many athletes tend to use the fasting method before big games because it is the key to burning fat while targeting and optimizing muscle growth.

Improved Cardiovascular Function

Fasting May Result in a Healthier Heart, Lower Cholesterol, and Lower Score Promote better muscle performance along with increased blood vessel growth.

Mental Health

Fasting is also very important to balance the mind and relieve mental stress. It is also known that fasting strengthens the mind, sharpens focus, and creates mental clarity. This is mainly due to a decrease in calorie, sugar, and salt intake.

Blood Sugar

During the fasting process, glucose levels stabilize, which can lead to the prevention of type 2 diabetes.


It is said that fasting can potentially slow down the aging process and keep you younger and fitter for longer. It could also increase the shelf life. Fasting leads to the production of restored tissues and cells in the human body, thereby breaking down unnecessary cells. This is how you can produce collagen. This leads to healthier, more glowing skin.

Healthier Brain and Cognitive Functions

During the fasting process, the blood in the human body fills up with more endorphins, which in turn gives a feeling of well-being and good mental health. It has similar effects on the brain as exercise.

Since fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting in the month of Ramadan is compulsory for all able Muslims. However, if you want to incorporate a different type of fast into another season, it is important that you remember to plan your fasting structure well.

Be realistic about what you want to achieve and always make sure that you are in the correct mental and physical mindset so that you can take full advantage of it.

Always make sure that you are getting enough sleep and that your stress levels are low.