9 Things You Should Always Do After Sex to Avoid Falling ill

What do you do after sex? Do you cuddle up to each other for a bit? Do you turn around and fall asleep immediately? Or do you perhaps go to the bathroom?

We focus a lot on what we do during the deed, but not on things to do after sex.

After having sex, it can be tempting to remain in bed and bask in the afterglow until you fall asleep. However, if you don’t wash up after intercourse, you run the risk of getting unpleasant infections such as urinary tract infections.

Here are Nine (9) crucial things you need to do immediately after sex in order to keep yourself in the pink of health and in order to make sure that your reproductive health is 10/10.


9 Things You Should Always Do After Sex to Avoid Falling ill

During sex, sometimes bacteria from the anal region can end up near the vaginal and urinary tract areas.

Also, during sex, bacteria are produced in the private parts. Due to moisture, the number of bacteria in the vagina starts increasing rapidly. Urinating immediately after sex sort of ‘clears the pipes’ and can help dispel any bacteria or toxins and prevents the bacteria from spreading and reaching your bladder.

Therefore, the washroom should be taken immediately after sex. This essential hygiene step will do a lot to ensure comfort and help protect against infections, like painful UTIs because all the bacteria come out from the urine and there is no infection in the vagina.

Drink Up

It’s a good habit to always pee after sex and drinking water can help you to pee more. This will help your body flush out more bacteria and toxins from the urethra, and prevent infections from happening. It’s also a good idea to hydrate yourself after all the vigorous action.

Either grab bottle of water from the fridge and put it on your nightstand before you have sex, or make sure to hit the kitchen just after.

Drinking a minimum of eight ounces of water after sex play can help you hydrate and keep your energy levels up, since sexual stimulation can definitely deplete strength.

Drinking cranberry juice after sex can also reduce the chances of UTI. Studies have proved that cranberry juice helps to fight against bacteria.

It does not get broken down by your digestive system, so it is able to reach your urinary tract and prevent any bacteria from remaining on the wall of your bladder.

In addition, a recent global study shows that drinking a 240ml glass of cranberry juice a day will reduce symptomatic UTIs by nearly 40 percent in women with recurrent UTIs.

Condom Check

9 Things You Should Always Do After Sex to Avoid Falling ill

You are wise to use to a condom, but are you wise enough to also check it afterwards? Because doing both is important for your reproductive health.

Whether you’ve been with a new partner recently or with your current partner for a long time, practicing safe sex is never a bad thing. If your partner has used a condom, check for tears or breaks in the condom and be sure to dispose of it properly.

If it broke, chances of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) increase.

What’s more, checking the condom can also help prevent possible pregnancy scares, unless you’re trying for a baby which is not likely the case if you are using a condom.

Sometimes the condom can even get stuck inside the vagina and lead to bacterial infections.

Check Yourself

Most women do not know what to look after before sex or after sex. During sex, the tissues of the vagina undergo some changes which make them have higher risk of infection and other things that might may portend danger.

 Odd-colored discharge can be a sign of infection or bleeding, so make it a point to check right after sex and monitor your vaginal discharge afterwards.

You know your body best, but that doesn’t mean you can take it for granted. Look for post coitus trauma to your vagina and keep a tab on any pain or bleeding — it could be a sign of infection or a lesion of your reproductive tract, so don’t ignore them.

Similarly, any type of pain or bleeding post sex can be indicative of an infection or friction due to the condom. If you notice any of these, you must immediately speak with your gynecologist.

Clean Up

We’re not saying you have to do a douche (we’d never recommend this!), but wipe the outer areas of your vagina with wet wipes that’s suitable for sensitive areas. Remember to wipe from front to back to prevent UTI. It also helps if you do this gently.

While wiping your vagina (especially after sex) avoid using fragrant soaps and strong vaginal washes. Instead, use warm water and a mild fragrance-free soap to gently cleanse your vulva.

9 Things You Should Always Do After Sex to Avoid Falling ill

When you use soaps with fragrance, you risk irritating your sensitive privates.

Also, you must avoid vaginal douching. This is the practice of spraying a solution of vinegar and water upwards into the vagina using a bottle, bag or douching syringe. Unfortunately, it can lead to vaginal itching, swelling and painful sex among other things which are pointers to STIs.

Once you are done cleaning up, gently pat your lady parts dry, then back to bed it is.

Many men are careless when it comes to maintaining penis hygiene! Yet, sex experts counsel men to wash the penis with soap and water after sex, and especially for the uncircumcised male. Failure to do so can lead to infections and other diseases, physicians say. Poor penis hygiene can cause infections, inflammations, phimosis (congenital narrowing of the opening of the foreskin so that it cannot be retracted) and even tumors.

If you had touched yourself or your partner’s genitals during sex, you should wash your hands with soap and water to get rid of any bacteria that you may have picked up.

Used sex toys might spread infections and sexually transmitted diseases if they are not cleaned properly. Check the packaging for cleaning instructions as different types of toys require specific methods of cleaning. If you have thrown the box away, a good rule of thumb is to use liquid antibacterial soap and hot water to wipe the toy.

Wear Breathable Underwear

Most of the underwear is made of nylon and polyester, without which air cannot be found. Immediately after the intercourse, wearing such underwear can increase the number of germs.

Cotton is the best for allowing genitals to breathe. Being a natural fiber, cotton is also hypoallergenic, highly absorbent, and won’t irritate your most sensitive regions ― which are prone to heightened sensitivity and moisture after sex.

Eat for Health

It’s not unheard of to feel hungry after sex, because you burn calories and get your heart rate up.

Pay special attention to the kind of food you eat after the intercourse. You can eat yeasted food such as curd, pigeon or kimchi. Eating these foods after the intercourses, beneficial bacteria begin to accumulate again so that yeast infections do not occur in the vagina.

Banana helps prevent muscle spasms or cramps during and after sex. Again, nutritionists say bananas contain the enzyme bromelain, which some studies have found boosts a man’s libido. They are also rich in B vitamins, such as riboflavin, which are essential for the manufacturing of sex hormone, testosterone.

Chia seeds are a powerhouse of energy, along with other nutrients. Consuming chia seeds are the best way to boost energy and rebuild stamina, nutritionists say. And if you can find chia seeds in your locality, eat sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds.


9 Things You Should Always Do After Sex to Avoid Falling ill

Take a nap. Well, most men would do this anyway! This is because vasopressin, a hormone, tightens the blood vessels and plays an important role in homeostasis of the body. This hormone is directly released in the brain and tends to relax the body.

Each time you have sex with a partner, “the love hormone,” scientifically known as oxytocin, is released. This hormone creates a feeling of closeness. Talking with your partner after sex is a great way to connect and create even more intimacy. You can talk about your hopes, your dreams, what you would like to do with your partner or anything that is important to you.

There’s a reason pillow talk is so satisfying ― you’re primed for bonding and a restful sleep. So, cuddle up!

Get Tested

9 Things You Should Always Do After Sex to Avoid Falling ill

Finally, if you had unprotected sex with your partner, you must consider getting tested for pregnancy. This is not to say that you most definitely will get pregnant, but if you are not planning to have more kids, it’s a wise thing to do.

Also, if you’ve recently slept with a new partner, make it a point to get tested for STIs so you can stay safe and protect yourself.


By doing just few these essential things right after you enjoy your partner, you can extend intimacy and promote optimum sexual well-being.

Overall, try not to think of sex as a just one-act play. It should also revolve around relaxing together, prolonging intimacy and taking care of your health, too.