Foods That May Shrink Fibroid Naturally Without Surgery

While no diet can guarantee fibroid prevention, altering the food you eat may help slow fibroid growth. These Foods That May Shrink Fibroid Naturally Without Surgery.

The era of fresh food is over, and we now eat a lot of processed foods and canned foods.
Uterine fibroids are tumors (not cancer) that grows in the uterus. Your doctor may call these fibroids, leiomyomas, or fibroids. Fibroids are not cancer! Unless they cause problems, you don’t have to do anything.

Fibroids are very common. This incidence has been observed in women between 30 and 40 years of age, but in younger subjects. Fibroids usually do not cause any problem and many women don’t even know that they have it. We are not quite sure what causes fibroids but the female hormones estrogen and progesterone seem to make them grow. During menstruation, the body produces the these hormones in high quantity.

After menstruation (menopause) is over, your body will reduce the production of these hormones. Fibroids usually cause no symptoms. Or the symptoms may be mild, such as a slightly heavier menstrual cycle. If fibroids bleed or put pressure on your organs, symptoms can complicate the situation. Fibroids usually shrink after menopause and no longer cause symptoms.

Symptoms of Fibroids:

  • Prolonged exudation period and cramps in some women.
  • Feeling of fullness or pressure in the abdomen.
  • low back pain.
  • Painful sexual intercourse.
  • Need to urinate frequently.
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation can cause anemia;
  • sometimes fibroids can make pregnancy difficult.
  • Or they can cause problems such as premature delivery or losing a baby during pregnancy (miscarriage).

Fruits and vegetables

Foods That May Shrink Fibroid Naturally Without Surgery

Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and fiber, which help fight disease and inflammation, increase appetite and help control weight. These factors are important because inflammation and obesity can lead to fibroids. In 2013, the Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study by researchers who analyzed the diet of premenopausal women and found that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of women suffering from fibroids. On the other hand, a high body mass index increases the risk.


Foods That May Shrink Fibroid Naturally Without Surgery

Beans and legumes such as lentils are important sources of fiber and are the best choice for weight control. They also have a low glycemic index or a slight effect on blood sugar levels. According to a doctor, it can cause inflammation and increase the growth of fibroids. Substituting these foods with nutrient-rich sources of low-glycemic carbohydrates such as beans can help shrink fibroid naturally and reduce symptoms. Provide a nutritional alternative to fatty meat that increases inflammation.

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Unprocessed grains

White foods, such as white starch Breads can increase the production of human insulin and affect the metabolism of estrogen, thereby increasing the risk of fibroids. It is healthy and prevents the growth of fibroids. The glycemic index of whole grains is also very low and contains lots of antioxidants, fiber and protein. Examples of rich nutrients are oatmeal, brown rice, wild rice, and barley.

Low-fat dairy products

Black women are three times more likely to develop uterine fibroids. Some evidence suggests that this may be because black women consume significantly less dairy products than white women. This connection lies in the ability of calcium to inhibit cell growth, which leads to tumors. If you can tolerate dairy products well, add low-fat foods such as milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese to your diet. Otherwise, choose lactose-free fortified milk or dairy-free products, such as almond milk. Limit high-fat foods, such as whole milk and fatty cheese, which can promote inflammation.

Super Dark Chocolate

Foods That May Shrink Fibroid Naturally Without Surgery

This may no longer be a secret, but dark chocolate (not milk chocolate) can be a very healthy food, despite being technically high in calories. If you are a person who likes sweets and eat a lot of desserts, it can help shrink fibroid naturally. In this case, only 1 or 2 small cubes of dark chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth many times. This actually means that many pralines have little effect on blood sugar.