Natural Arthritis Remedy To Reduce Inflammation and Live Pain Free

If you prefer a more natural approach to managing arthritis pain, plenty natural remedies are available. Here is a spotlight a of best in natural arthritis remedy.

Arthritis, whether it is osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or gout, has common symptoms of inflammation of one or more joints, accompanied by pain, swelling, and sometimes joint deformation. Traditionally, in addition to medicinal materials, anti-inflammatory medicinal materials such as black cohosh, white chrysanthemum, cassava and yam are also recommended.

Physiotherapists can prescribe vitamins such as vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C and vitamin E, such as chelated zinc, Chelates calcium and magnesium, copper salicylate and selenium bromelain. And dietary supplements such as evening primrose and fish oil, glucosamine and superoxide dismutase, which are found in high-quality dehydrated barley flour (but not in juice).

But scientists have discovered some very effective anti-inflammatory drugs in our own kitchen. Some, such as ginger, can be purchased as a supplement. And because of the strong taste of ginger, this method may be more suitable for obtaining the amount required for a significant anti-inflammatory effect. But others, such as olive oil, can be easily included in your daily diet. Cinnamon is not commonly used as a supplement here, but it is widely used for traditional purposes in India and can be provided as part of an Ayurvedic supplement.


One of the active ingredients in ginger is a phenolic compound called gingerol.They have been found to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. In a study published in the Journal of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, participants who took ginger compounds had significantly less pain when moving than participants who took a placebo. The study followed 29 people for 12 months and found that the swelling of the knees was also reduced.
However, when taking blood thinners such as warfarin, you may need to pay attention to how much ginger you consume, because ginger can also thin your blood.


This very delicious spice has many health benefits. Especially for inflammation and arthritis, cinnamon can help inhibit the release of inflammatory fatty acids.

Certain vegetables and/or yellow fruits

Certain carotenoids in yellow fruits, such as oranges, and vegetables help reduce inflammation. Carotenoids is what add that brilliant yellow colour we love to these fruits and vegetables.

Extra virgin olive oil

The effect of extra virgin olive oil is similar to that of the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen, but it does not have the immediate analgesic effect of ibuprofen. It has been found that Olea europaea inhibits COX enzymes, such as ibuprofen, in a “dose-dependent” manner. This research was originally published in the September 2005 issue of Nature by Paul Breslin and his colleagues at the Monell Chemical Sensory Center.

He described olive oil as a natural anti-inflammatory compound that may be as effective as ibuprofen, and suggested that long-term use has the same potential benefits as long-term use of ibuprofen. Their results indicate that 50 grams of extra virgin olive oil is approximately 10% of the recommended dose of ibuprofen for adult pain relief.Olive oil has many other benefits, including its protective effect on the heart.

Interestingly, scientists have also discovered that a diet rich in refined grains, soda, processed meats, and even sugar-free soda can stimulate inflammation and type 2 diabetes.

Natural Arthritis Remedy To Reduce Inflammation and Live Pain Free

Natural Arthritis Remedy To Reduce Inflammation and Live Pain Free