Gender Reassignment Surgery: How Doctors Turn a Penis into a Vagina

Have you ever wondered how celebrities like Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox were able to change their sex organs from male to female? Well, worry no more. It is called Gender Reassignment Surgery!

A gruesome and compelling video has revealed the great skill and precision involved in carrying out a male to female sex change.

The video details the male-to-female gender reassignment surgery is undertaken by very skilled surgeons.

The animation, uploaded by the European Society of Urology shows how a penis and testicles are used to create a vagina, complete with a clitoris capable of orgasm.

The video begins by showing how the patient is first placed lying on the operating table flat on their back with their feet turned outwards.

The video then shows a surgeon’s hand slicing open the scrotum and removing the testicles, before removing the tip of the penis to create a clitoris.

Gender Reassignment Surgery: How Doctors Turn a Penis into a Vagina

The surgeon then uses the shaft and the scrotum to create the labia and vaginal canal.

Be warned; if you’re squeamish, then this probably isn’t going to be your cup of tea.

Check it out.

These are only the physical changes in the body following a gender reassignment surgery. People have to go under several hormonal therapies to completely transform into another gender.

However, this surgery should give a woman everything she needs for a healthy and satisfactory sex life.

As the procedure is irreversible, the patient must be completely certain they want to go through with it.

They need to have had two psychological approvals – where experts deem they should have the surgery – before surgeons assess whether they are fit enough for it.

They must also have lived as a woman for at least 18 months, had hormone therapy for 12 months, and also have their first name changed legally.