Increase Penis Size Naturally: Penis Enlargement Tricks That Actually Work

Increase Penis Size Naturally: Penis Enlargement Tricks That Actually Work

Does penis size matters? This is one question that has plagued the men across the world for ages.

Men have always wondered if they have the perfect size for an active sex life.

A bigger penis is not only considered important for a better sex life but it also makes you feel confident.

It seems that penis size has been a source of male anxiety throughout history and across cultures:

  • Weights have been used by the Sadhus holy men of India and by the males of the Cholomec tribe in Peru in order to increase penile length.
  • Members of the Dayak tribe in Borneo pierced their penises and used decorative items to increase their partners’ pleasure.
  • Topinama tribesmen in Brazil used poisonous snake bites to enlarge their penises.
Sadhus holy men of India

Penis enlargement is not as hard as you think. You can increase the size of your most favourite body part without those expensive and ineffective creams and lotions. And without injections and surgeries, that come with a while lot of complications.

You can do it at home! Yes, you read it right. There are some tricks to make your erections stronger and bigger.

So, if you are looking for ways to increase the size of your penis, read on to know the best tricks you can use at the comfort of your home to increase the size of your penis.

Increase Penis Size Naturally: Penis Enlargement Tricks That Actually Work


Stretching is one of the most popular ways to increase the length of the penis. It will take you just five minutes to do this exercise.

How to do it: Grasp your penis just behind its head. Don’t hold it too firmly or too loose. Now pull it down towards your knee. You will feel a stretch in the shaft but no significant discomfort or pain.

Hold it in that position for 20 to 30 seconds. Bring back the penis to the original position and then pull it up towards your belly button. Hold it there for another 20 to 30 seconds.

Then pull it to the right and left direction.

Hold the penis in the stretched position for 20 to 30 seconds.

Bring it to the original position and relax.

Rotating stretch

This is similar to the previous exercise with a little twist. This exercise will take your about five minutes.

How to do it: Grasp the penis just below its head and pull it outwards firmly. You will feel a stretch in the shaft but not any pain.

Now move your penis in circular motion maintain the stretch and grip.

Use your right hand to rotate it counterclockwise and left for clockwise rotation.

Your one rotation should take around 30 seconds.

For each direction, do at least three rotations.

Increase Penis Size Naturally: Penis Enlargement Tricks That Actually Work


This exercise is very simple but effective. It will improve hardness and size of your penis.

How to do it: Make sure that your penis is partially erect and use a lubricant like baby oil or Vaseline.

Hold your penis at the base with your thumb and pointer finger. Keep you grip near the pelvic bone.

Slowly move your hand up the penis maintaining the pressure.

Stop your hand just below the head/gland. This is one jelq and it should take you 2 to 3 seconds to do 1 jelq.

This help in pushing the blood towards tip of the penis and will not cause any pain.

Repeat this process.

Increase Penis Size Naturally: Penis Enlargement Tricks That Actually Work


Kegel will help you to get a rock-hard boner Practising kegel regularly will result in stronger and long-lasting erection as it improves blood flow to the penis. You will require around 30 minutes for doing this.

How to do it: Firstly, you will have to identify your PC (Pubococcygeus) muscle.

You can identify it by stopping the flow of your urine. The muscle engaged in stopping it is your PC muscle.

Now hold the muscle in contraction for about five seconds and then release it.

Take a break and repeat the method as many times as you want.

You must do it for about 30 minutes every day to see an improvement in your erection.

Opposite stretch

Opposite stretch is another effective exercise to make your penis longer. You will just need about five minutes to do this.

How to do it: Hold the penis just below the head in a grip that is not too firm or too loose.

Now, with your other hand hold the base of your penis with an ok-grip.

Pull both your hands in opposite direction.

That is, pull the hand near the head upwards and the hand near the base downward without causing any pain.

You must only feel a stretch not any pain. Hold the position for about 30 seconds and then relax.

Repeat this method.

After you have done enough number of stretches let your penis relax.

Please note that these exercises have to be done with extreme finesse and gentleness as persistent rough handling of the penis can cause injury or scarring.

You can also enhance the appearance of your penis because it makes you feel more confident, there are simpler ways to do so:

  • Lose weight: If you are overweight, those extra pounds can make your penis appear smaller. Losing weight reduces pelvic fat and allows more of the penis to be seen.
  • Get in shape: A muscular physique may add to this visual effect and make you feel more confident about the size of your penis.
  • Groom your pubic area: Shaving around the penis (referred to as “manscaping”) can make the penis appear larger since it is no longer buried in hair.