5 Proven Natural Joint Pain Relief | Fast, Easy, and Safe

Learn about the diseases and conditions that may cause joint pain, and read about fast, safe and effective joint pain relief.

Exercise, falls, and other injuries can damage articular cartilage, and if there is not enough time to heal, it can lead to chronic pain and permanent disability. These activities and events can increase the risk of osteoarthritis, especially if you are at risk of stroke or ligament damage. In addition, damage to the bone surface can trigger biological processes that lead to joint degeneration. In turn, this usually leads to rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Arthritis is usually a chronic disease that can affect patients for a long time. It cannot be cured, but a variety of methods and products can be used to treat it. This term is an important factor in fighting disease and maintaining a good quality of life. This is an overview of some of the methods that arthritis patients can use to relieve many of the symptoms associated with arthritis, especially joint pain. Over-the-counter products used to relieve arthritis joint pain are described in Joint Pain Products.

5 Proven Natural Joint Pain Relief | Fast, Easy, and Safe

Hot and cold compresses

Hot and/or cold compresses are not recommended for alleviating symptoms associated with all types of arthritis, so the decision to use it should be discussed with your doctor or physical therapist. If the provider determines that the use of heat and/or cold is suitable for your arthritis pain, they should determine which type of damp-heat treatment, such as damp-heat treatment, warm bath or shower, or dry heat. Place it on the affected joint for about 15 minutes to relieve pain.Wrap an ice pack or frozen vegetable pack in a towel and apply it to the painful area for about 15 minutes. This will not only help reduce swelling and it’ll also help relieve pain. If the blood circulation is poor, do not use cold compresses.

Joint protection

Splints or braces can be used in daily activities to relieve the affected joints, which will worsen the condition and cause further damage, so that the joints can be rested and not used. A health care provider, such as a doctor or physical therapist, can recommend braces for you, and possibly provide them.


Massage can temporarily relieve joint pain (the main symptom of arthritis), rather than treating the root cause of cartilage loss. Joints that increase blood flow to the compressed area. It is important to understand that the joints affected by arthritis are very sensitive, so massage therapists should be familiar with this disease and the problems associated with the affected joints.


Low-intensity exercises such as stretching, swimming, walking, low-intensity aerobic exercise, and physical exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffness, while increasing joint mobility. Most importantly, you can benefit from reducing stress on arthritic joints.

Lose weight

In addition to alleviating some symptoms, the combination of weight loss and exercise programs can help reduce the additional pressure on the weight-bearing joints such as the hip and knee joints caused by the extra weight. About 10 pounds significantly reduced the development of knee osteoarthritis. In addition, these studies have shown that if one joint is already affected by osteoarthritis, such as a knee or hip joint, weight loss reduces the chance of osteoarthritis in the other knee or hip.


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) uses a small device placed near the arthritic joint to send weak electrical impulses to the nerve endings in and around the arthritic joint. Pain information is sent to the brain through nerves and changes the body’s perception of pain. Although TENS can relieve arthritis-related joint pain, it does not counteract arthritis-related joint pain.


In some extreme cases, arthritis patients may require surgery.Surgeons can surgically remove the synovial membrane, align the joints, or, in extreme cases, replace damaged joints with artificial joints. A complete joint replacement can not only significantly relieve pain, but also significantly improve the range of motion and mobility of many people suffering from osteoarthritis.

5 Proven Natural Joint Pain Relief | Fast, Easy, and Safe